Senator Hopkins stated that “up to
€380,000 is available to Roscommon County Council. These grants will
cover up to 85% of the cost of a project. The engagement of the local community
where possible is a key component of the scheme. I am happy that Minister
Heather Humphries has included this measure in the scheme because I firmly
believe the success of these projects depends on the involvement of local
people in communities working together.”
According to the Senator, “the scheme
really focusses on developments that have the potential to increase the
attractiveness of our towns and villages as good places for people to live,
work, visit and raise families”.
Senator Hopkins concluded, "As Seanad
Spokesperson with responsibility for Regional and Rural development, I intend
to do all I can to prioritise the need for greater supports being made
available to our communities in rural areas”.
“This Renewal Scheme is only the start of our work to
ensure that all the regions feel the benefit of the economic recovery. I will
work hard alongside relevant officials and groups to ensure this scheme
encourages and supports projects with value that have a strong positive impact
in our rural communities. It is critical that continued emphasis and funding be
made available to our rural communities in the upcoming budget”.
“For this current scheme, I am strongly
encouraging community groups to apply for funding before this Friday’s deadline.”